3 out of 4 persons remember the advertising message on a wall calendar. Stay in your customer’s mind as well – 365 days a year. Request your personalized offer today!
We are pleased by your interest in our terminic promotional calendars! On this site you have the opportunity of requesting a non-binding offer for desk and poster calendars. Therefore just fill in the form above. Your individual offer for your table stand Quadro, desktop planner Quadro, tent calendar Focus or poster calendar Top 14 will arrive at your place shortly afterwards.
By the way, you receive our wall calendars with multiple-months-overview with datepads in about 35 languages and language combinations as a standard, in addition in 5 different ground colours. To ensure that you pick the ideal calendar for your sustainable company advertising out of the huge variety of models, formats and languages as quick and easy as possible, you have the opportunity to configure your wall calendars with our online-configurator, the terminicator – including 2 exemplary cover pictures. Afterwards you can supplement your choice of model, language and colour with the circulation and desired delivery date before sending us your request with one click. Then we will immediately prepare a personal proposal for you.
In the meantime, should you have any questions about our calendars or your request for proposal or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone (+49 421 87145 0) or by e-mail. We are looking forward to hearing from you!